Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The sky is falling...again

There they go again… The Cleveland weather forecasters and news anchors are using words like; “treacherous”, "dangerous”, ” threatening”. This is to describe the potential inbound weather. What it really means is, the temperature is dropping and there will be about 3 – 4 inches of snowfall. This is supposed to put Cleveland drivers into a panic.

Here is a revelation. This is Cleveland, Ohio. It is supposed to be cold and snowy. A little ice and snow is not treacherous, threatening or dangerous. Terrorists, tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, serial killers, drunk drivers and angry spouses with guns are threatening, dangerous, and treacherous.

Unfortunately for local media, that damned Tsunami is still stealing their thunder, so we are subjected to the ranting of the local anchor trying desperately to make “his story, bigger than their story”. Ratings. Ratings. RANTINGS.

To quote a car commercial… Wake up and drive!

1 comment:

Christi said...

It's getting cold there? Hmmm, I hope that means it might get chilly here. It's so hot right now that I regret packing up our summer clothes. Just wearing pants is too hot right now! We leave the windows open and the doors open all day, and my poor little child is so confused! Everytime we go to leave, he says he needs his jacket (he's 2). I then have to sit down and explain to him again that it's way too hot for a jacket.

That is kind of sad that they have gone to overexaggerating nothing just to get ratings. I mean, how stupid do they think you are? Kinda funny, if you think about it! Good luck in your few inches. If it makes you feel any better, here 3-4 inches of snow would be more than a blizzard, and the world would come to a dead standstill until it melted completely. Isn't the world a strange place?