Thursday, January 20, 2005

I, the jury

Last year at this time, I was serving on jury duty. On the first day, upon our arrival we were directed to a long hallway to register. At the end of the hallway was a service counter with two service areas. Above each area was a sign. One sign said; “A through M”, the other sign said; “N through Z”. As we were waiting in our designated lines, a woman entered the area, looked up at the signs and asked me; “What those signs A through M and N through Z mean? I asked her what her last name was, she replied; “Smith”. I told her to get into the line marked; “A through M”. That was just my way of being helpful. How would you like to have her on YOUR jury.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


i am Laura Pedersen's husband. the stuff you write is cracking me up. what's the business stuff you're doing that Laura has tried to explain to me unsuccessfully. she sings high. i mean that in the nicest way, she is the best!
