Thursday, February 23, 2006

" Hey, Hey, My My... Rock n Roll will never die. There's more to the picture than meets the eye. "

Why Silverbulletsandrust?

Ok...Silver bullets: another way of saying "Pearls of Wisdom", or at least "things on my mind". Where did it come from? Taken from the name of the greatest rock n roll band in history ( at least in my estimation ) Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band.

Rust? We're all gettin' older... and with that comes wisdom... Meanwhile, my favorite contemporary song writer; Neil Young..."Rust Never Sleeps"... There is alot of symbolism in that statement...

Why am I even writing about this??? Neil Young just released his latest CD: "Prairie Wind"... It is awesome. If you want to hear it, go to and click on the license plate, then click on any of the tunes. I recommend; "When God Made Me".

Meanwhile, the movie "Heart of Gold" is now open...I'm going to see it Saturday night. Wanna go with me?

Monday, February 20, 2006

Could this be Jim?????

The family that skis together...

Yesterday was a big day for the Fam... Tim bought us all lift tickets and equipment rentals for Christmas and yesterday was the day...

Unfortunately Melissa is still having wisdom tooth extraction problems and couldn't go with us, so Stef came home from OSU, Tim's girlfriend Kate came up from Alliance, and we all packed into the "family front wheel drive sleigh" and headed off to the local slopes.

Robin and I were proficient skiers for years, but that was pre-children. For the past 21 years our ski money has been going to dance lessons, guitar lessons, ice-skating lessons, summer camps, and more recently college tuition. With Tim's gift however we realized how much we missed skiing. So effective Feb. 19, 2006 we are back in the realm of the downhill skier world.

There are no real ski slopes in Ohio, so last night was a good re-intro to the sport. We are now foaming at the mouth to get back to Colorado. It is like riding a bike...once you know how, you know how.

Now for Tim, Stef, and Kate...

Tim decided to snowboard. He was on his own, cause I don't know anything about snowboarding. Consequently, he spent alot of time doing inverted aerial manuevers. Of course these manuevers are expressly forbidden by the ski area management, unless like Tim you are not doing them on purpose.

Kate just doesn't know me well enough to trust my skiing instructions. So while she said she had a good time, she stayed on the bunniest of the bunny slopes.

After some coaxing, cajoling, and out and out lying, I convinced Stef to come with me to the top of the slopes then worked with her all the way down. Once she gave up trying to utilize her ski poles ( a worthless item by the way unless you are skiing moguls and/or racing in a slolom. ), she really was doing pretty good.

How ironic that I e-bayed my skis on the same day we started skiing again...I guess now I'll just have to go by some new ones....OHHHRAHHHH!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Goodnight my little Roseanne Roseannadanna

In the words of Roseanne Roseannadanna..." I thought I was gonna die..."

Last night, I had an appointment with a mortgage client. He asked to meet me in my office at 6pm. I usually go to their homes, but because of his job schedule and where he worked he said it would be easier to meet me at my office.

Of course by 6pm everyone else is gone, not only in our office, but in our entire office condo.

"George" came in looking rather depressed. I had a solution for his financial woes, so I thought he would cheer up as I explained it to him. Instead, he became more depressed, so much so that he just stared down at the conference table in silence for what seemed like eternity. Even though I was speaking to him he wasn't responding. Then all of a sudden he started to twitch. That's when I thought I was gonna die. He just had this look of a guy who was at the end of his rope.

Maybe I have seen too many CSI episodes, but I was beginning to imagine the headlines... "Loan Officer Found Dead With Client". I could just see this guy going off the deep end, pulling out a cheap 38 and plugging me then blowing out his own brains. YIKES! I was taking inventory of the area, and planning my moves as to how I would disarm him before he had a chance to draw on me ( of course, I had nothing but my pocket knife, a pencil, and a financial calculator at my disposal ).

So I continue talking to him about how great my solutions were, and that he would be so much better off financially if he would just take my advice... his problems would be over. He wasn't buying it however... he just kept twitching... then he started to speak, only now he was stuttering about how we just not going to do anything... just accept his situation as hopeless...etc... Damn CSI, Law & Order, Criminal Intent, all of you... This guy is about to self destruct, and after all the goofy stuff I've been up against... I'm going to buy it, in this stupid mortgage office... not even a glorious, heroic way to go...

Then, just as strangely as the whole thing started... he stopped twitching, stopped stuttering...he actually smiled, thanked me for my help, and left.

And if you are under 21, you are saying..."Who the hell is Roseanne Roseannadanna?"

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Kramer may have had the right idea

There was an episode of Seinfeld once where Kramer decided he didn't want to accept his mail anymore. I am starting to think he had a good idea.

Our mail is getting more weird by the day.

First of all there is the daily barrage of credit card offers. It used to be that we would get 2 or 3 a day. But now that the banks have figured out that we have three adult children (all with jobs), we are up to about 8 envelopes a day just from credit card companies. They are getting really sneaky too. They don't just send letter sized envelopes anymore, now they disguise them in what appear to be "overnight" packages. I guess they think that if they can trick us into opening them we will be more enticed to apply for more credit.

Then there is the every-other day delivery of gift items and promotional items from Marlboro and Parliament. Since non of us smoke, they are really pouring on the heat trying to hook us up. So far we have received 4 money clips, 3 cigarette cases, and two key chains. I'm actually starting to feel guilty. Perhaps I should buy a pack of menthols just to say thanks.

Next comes the offers for further education. Phoenix University started it. Now everday someone wants to sell either Robin or I a masters degree via the internet. It doesn't stop there however. There are offers for Robin to receive further nursing education in exciting areas like: skin & wound care, hospice & palliative nursing. I get offered courses in SWAT tactics, drug enforcement, etc.

Then, because our home based business is called MTS Enterprises, ( a name that we share with a gas & oil drilling company) we receive mountains of offers for exciting magazines like; "Drilling Today", "Power", and "Gas & Oil Monthly". We really enjoy the annual "Gas & Oil Review". It weighs about 8 lbs. and costs someone a fortune to mail it to us.

Of course, you can't forget the "town shopper" coupons, and the missing kids flyers.

Today, there were over 20 pieces of mail. By the time I sorted it all out, there was one piece that we were interested in. A sympathy card from our vet regarding the passing of our dog.

I shovelled the snow out of the driveway in order to walk down to the mailbox at the street and retrieve this stuff. Don't get me wrong, the sympathy card was nice and appreciated. But I could have waited until the snow stopped, and I would have if the mailbox hadn't been overflowing.

With all that mail, I thought the odds were pretty good that there would be at least one check in there. So... help me out here... mail me a check just to give me a reason to go to the mailbox. Otherwise, I may have to brick up the mailbox.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Happy Birthday Robin

Well, tomorrow ( Feb. 6 ) is the big day. We have been celebrating Robin's birthday since last week. We had a great time at the waterpark, then near the end of the week, the gift I bought her on Ebay arrived...A Garmin i2 GPS for her car. What a cool gadget. Anyhow... Tomorrow night we'll have a quiet dinner together.

It's hard to believe that we are the age that we are. We have been together since we were 16 so it is almost impossible to remember life without us being US.

I always tease the family about the need to celebrate my birthday for at least a week. Robin is the one who really deserves it...

Happy Birthday Beautiful... I love you.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Cosmo. Nov. 21, 1991 - Feb. 4, 2006