Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Day 4 - Katrina Relief

The team was tired today. Nobody is sleeping very well. We're just too motivated to work!

We got up on time, but got a slow start to the day because we had to make a trip to Lowe’s for some materials and tools.

The temperature was a little cooler today and the humidity was down a bit. So working was warm but bearable. There was no breeze however, so our lunchtime break at the beach was pretty warm.

We had a lot to do today; install new insulation, begin replacing drywall, remove a bathroom vanity and sink, commode, and bathtub. So we broke up into teams; Robin and I installed insulation, Dee Dee and Jan were our drywall measurer/cutters, Mike and Homer continued destruction by removing yet more drywall in the bathroom, and Dave bounced from room to room trying to keep us from destroying Ann’s house any further!

We didn’t get up as much drywall as I had hoped for. In fact, because I accidentally dry-walled over an electrical outlet I had to take that sheet down. In the process I realized that the outlets need to be remounted…a task we haven’t figured out how we will do yet.

In the midst of things, Ann ( the owner ) asked if we could remove her bathtub as she would like to order a new one. Dave ended up having to use the “saws all” to cut it up because it is too large to fit through the framed-in doors. Needless to say, this is not a fiberglass tub. It is cast iron…(Yes, we could use some high speed carbon blades)

By the way, the way I discovered the outlet that was covered over, was when I attempted to run a drywall screw into it! Luckily, I missed the actual outlet and was hitting the space between the outlet and utility box. Otherwise, Jan would be conducting a memorial service tonight.

As we sat in the park on our lunch break a man with a guitar came over and asked if he could sing for us. He writes gospel lyrics and sets them to contemporary tunes. Then, a friend of his was casting a 14-foot net into the ocean to catch mullet. So we wandered down to the shore to watch. (Fascinating characters here in Mississippi) Anyhow, watching this guy fish made us all hungry for seafood, so this evening we are off on a seafood dining adventure.

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