Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Day 3 - Katrina Relief Trip

We arrived at our assigned job site at 8am today. We met Ann; a 77 year old widow who lives about 6 blocks from the beach.

Ann’s insurance company told her that she didn’t live in a flood zone. Consequently she was ineligible for flood insurance.

Her home sits on a foundation about 18 inches high. Yet, the floodwaters reached the two-foot mark inside, where it sat for 3 days.

Our mission is to remove the water damaged drywall throughout the house from the floor to two feet up. Additionally, we are removing damaged flooring and sub-flooring.

We were successful today in removing the drywall and insulation and sub-floor from three rooms. Tonight, the exposed walls will be treated with an anti-fungal spray. Tomorrow we will begin hanging new drywall.

We hope to refinish a bathroom while we are here as well.

We took a break for lunch today and went down to a park by the beach. As we arrived, people were driving past and asking if we were volunteers. When we replied that we were, they thanked us. Passing cars waved their gratitude. I think that we realized at that moment just how important our mission was.

We met a man whose wife went into the hospital just before the storm. The storm prevented him from seeing her before she died. He left the area and just returned three weeks ago.

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