Wednesday, February 02, 2005

It's a mad, mad world

About an hour before the State Of The Union Address I saw a commercial on TV that referred to "The SuperBowl" as "America's Unofficial Holiday". I immediately thought back to an item that ran in "Mad Magazine" several years ago...

It was right after the concept of the "SuperBowl" was introduced. "Mad" ran an item depicting "SuperBowl Sunday" in the future. It showed a ridiculous scene of special sales at department stores, TV specials, closed businesses, parades in major cities, people hosting/attending "SuperBowl" parties and special activities. They showed churches holding abbreviated services and/or canceling services. Newspapers and magazines were ablaze with headlines about "The SuperBowl". TV and Radio news programs were monopolized by "SuperBowl" features. The country was totally transfixed and focused on "The SuperBowl".

I remember reading the magazine feature and laughing hysterically. I remember sharing the lunacy with family and friends. The writers at "Mad" were really over the top.

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