Wednesday, December 15, 2004

15 minutes of fame...

I heard a Christmas song on the radio yesterday being performed by Bruce Springsteen. It triggered a memory I have of appearing on stage with him several years ago. Are you surprised to know that I was on stage with “The Boss”?

He was doing one of his big stadium shows at the old Cleveland Stadium. I was the local manager for the Ticketron office in Ohio, and was backstage at the producers request doing counterfeit ticket control. Just before it was time for the concert to begin, I wandered out on the stage to see how the “house” looked. As I walked out on stage, the crowd seeing someone coming out on stage started cheering. I thought; “You idiots, do I look like Bruce Springsteen?” Well, I didn’t, but the guy behind me… with the guitar and the sweatband? He looked exactly like Springsteen. I turned around to see "The Boss" entering the stage. I quickly headed for stage left. As we passed each other on the stage he looked bewildered and said, “Who are you? I replied, “ You don’t know?”. I left the stage, he started the show.

He got paid a lot more for that appearance than I did.

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