Friday, November 19, 2004

Toasted Cheese

So another appearance of the Virgin Mary is revealed.

First, God creates the Earth and all that is in/on it in 7 days.

We're told in the Old Testament of a time when God decides it is time to start over. He instructs Noah to build an Ark, and to gather up two of each species. He then causes 40 days of rain until the world is flooded. After 40 days, The water recedes and God makes a covenant with Man, that he will never again destroy the world through flood.

2000 years ago, God is once again "unhappy" with the affairs of man. He decides to do something drastic. He sends his only son into the world to be sacrificed for the sins of the world. Jesus, the Christ is crucified, dies, and is buried. Then miraculously three days later, he rises from the dead justifying the rest of the world through his blood and ressurection.

2004... God places the image of The Virgin Mary on a toasted cheese sandwich grilled in the home of a Hollywood, Florida woman.

I think that God has better things to do than manipulate a piece of melted cheese.

I would also like to know; To the best of my knowlege, there were no cameras available when Mary walked this earth. So how do we know that the image on the cheese sandwich isn't somebody else? or no one? or Maybe... IT'S JUST CHEESE.

Worse yet, some idiot pays a ton of money to own this "miracle". What is wrong with these people?

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