Monday, March 21, 2005

What a difference a day makes... or does it?

Two of our kids are turning 21 years old this week. ( Yes, twins. More about that in a later post )

On Sunday ( yesterday ) we planned on having a birthday celebration dinner with them. Our family tradition is of course to have them plan the menu. Since they are twins, they split the decision. One was to choose the type of cake, the other was to choose the entrée’.

Tim chose the cake; banana with chocolate icing. He made that decision very quickly. Stef spent several days choosing the entrée’ It went from grilled hot dogs, to Chicken Cordon’ Bleu. In the 11th hour it became chicken fingers, asparagus, and cheesy potatoes.

That’s 21 years old. It is neither hot dogs, or Chicken Cordon’ Bleu. It ends up being chicken fingers and cheesy potatoes; Too old to be allowed “childish” errors, yet too young to always make the right decisions.

Yesterday, you couldn’t legally consume an alcoholic drink without dire consequence because you weren’t old enough to be responsible. Today you are totally responsible.

What an amazing 24 hours.

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