Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Blessings

My secretary was not the brightest crayon in the box. I was out with a client most of the day. Upon my return to the office I asked if anything was going on. Her common answer was; “A little of this, and a little of that.” I went into my office and began sorting through my phone messages. After about 15 minutes, my private line rang. It was my wife. She asked why I had not returned her earlier call. I explained that I had just returned to the office and hadn’t seen it. She went on to say, that she had called about 30 minutes ago, and really needed me to come home. She had left that message with my soon to be unemployed secretary. (This was pre-cell phone days.) It seems that she had sneezed, and her water broke. The twins were on their way. Without discussing her future, I informed my secretary that I was leaving to take my wife to the hospital…

Just a few months before we had been surprised to find out that we were expecting twins. From the time we first discussed marriage, we had debated; she wanted four children. I wanted one. On a cold December afternoon in 1983, we found out that God had other plans. The ultra-sound technician showed us the baby’s head, and "the other baby’s head". I don’t remember much else about that afternoon. I know that we had driven separately, and ended up forgetting one of the cars at the hospital.

Now it was March 22, 1984. The babies weren’t due for at least another month. Robin hadn’t been able to breath or move well for a few weeks, so the early delivery wasn’t a surprise, but it was a concern.

Stefanie came out first. Evidently she had broken her water. Most likely in an attempt to get away from her brother who was next in line. Stef looked like a small but full term baby. She had good color. Tim…he looked really premature. His skin was still kind of transparent. So it was really surprising when all of a sudden there was a commotion around Stefanie…she had stopped breathing. After a few scary moments, she started breathing on her own again, and my attention turned back to Tim. The doctor indicated that while Stef was a month premature, Tim was 2 months premature. Robin never heard him say that…it was four years later that she finally asked the doctor and he confirmed what I had been telling he all along.

They came home when both were over 4 pounds. It took them a long time to eat. Since they both ate at different times,I don’t think we slept for the first three months. After that, raising them was no different than raising single birth children. Just more expensive, and with no breaks!

Tim is about 6’ and around 210 lbs. Stef is 5’3”. If they are seated next to each other you can see the resemblance. Standing however, there is an obvious difference. Their personalities are vastly different as well.

When we found out we were having twins, we wondered if we were going to be able to cope. We wondered if we could be good parents to multiple children. We were kind of scared. I remember our friend Phyllis from church telling us that God chose us to be parents of twins because he knew we could handle it. She told us we were blessed.

Tim is spending his birthday at work. I am sure he will celebrate like most new 21 year olds celebrate. (Be careful T…) Stef is celebrating in Vegas…(Be really careful Stef…)

We’re really proud of both of them. The last 21 years went way too fast.

Phyllis passed away a few years ago. She was however right on. We were blessed.

Happy Birthday Tim and Stef.

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