Monday, February 20, 2006

The family that skis together...

Yesterday was a big day for the Fam... Tim bought us all lift tickets and equipment rentals for Christmas and yesterday was the day...

Unfortunately Melissa is still having wisdom tooth extraction problems and couldn't go with us, so Stef came home from OSU, Tim's girlfriend Kate came up from Alliance, and we all packed into the "family front wheel drive sleigh" and headed off to the local slopes.

Robin and I were proficient skiers for years, but that was pre-children. For the past 21 years our ski money has been going to dance lessons, guitar lessons, ice-skating lessons, summer camps, and more recently college tuition. With Tim's gift however we realized how much we missed skiing. So effective Feb. 19, 2006 we are back in the realm of the downhill skier world.

There are no real ski slopes in Ohio, so last night was a good re-intro to the sport. We are now foaming at the mouth to get back to Colorado. It is like riding a bike...once you know how, you know how.

Now for Tim, Stef, and Kate...

Tim decided to snowboard. He was on his own, cause I don't know anything about snowboarding. Consequently, he spent alot of time doing inverted aerial manuevers. Of course these manuevers are expressly forbidden by the ski area management, unless like Tim you are not doing them on purpose.

Kate just doesn't know me well enough to trust my skiing instructions. So while she said she had a good time, she stayed on the bunniest of the bunny slopes.

After some coaxing, cajoling, and out and out lying, I convinced Stef to come with me to the top of the slopes then worked with her all the way down. Once she gave up trying to utilize her ski poles ( a worthless item by the way unless you are skiing moguls and/or racing in a slolom. ), she really was doing pretty good.

How ironic that I e-bayed my skis on the same day we started skiing again...I guess now I'll just have to go by some new ones....OHHHRAHHHH!

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